THE Business Councils 90A is home to The American-Central European Business Association (ACEBA), The US-Turkmenistan Business Council (USTBC), the Executive Council on Diplomacy (ECD), and the Center for Baby and Adult Hygiene Products (BAHP).

ACEBA is a one-stop platform for dialogue between American corporate executives and political leaders from Central Europe. ACEBA's core objective is to organize DC-based roundtable discussions for member companies with U.S. and foreign political leaders.

The US-Turkmenistan Business Council is a Washington, DC-based non-profit organization that promotes commercial relations between the United States and Turkmenistan. The mission of the Council is to enhance US-Turkmenistan trade and investment, advance the US-Turkmenistan bilateral relationship, and educate the public about its importance.

The Executive Council on Diplomacy is a non-profit tax-exempt organization established in 1962 that strives to provide a forum for senior diplomatic, business, and policy leaders to build mutual understanding and strengthen approaches to global challenges.

The Center for Baby and Adult Hygiene Products is a trade association that serves the absorbent hygiene products value chain in North America, providing a unified platform for the industry. BAHP supports its members by advocating on relevant legislative and policy issues and educating consumers on these products' safety and efficacy.

In addition to our work with the international business councils, our firm helps American companies access decision-makers and leaders in foreign countries to resolve issues, make sales, or simply enhance the relationship. To assist our clients we work closely with foreign Embassies in Washington, D.C. as well as U.S. Embassies abroad.

THE Business Councils 90A

Consulting Services